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Who can help you with your estate plan?

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2023 | Estate Planning

Estate planning can be complicated. Your decisions determine if your beneficiaries will benefit as you intended and if your legacy will continue. Therefore, it’s not an ideal do-it-yourself project.

You should have a team of professionals to help you, including:

Financial advisor 

A financial advisor can help you establish a plan that guarantees your beneficiaries will receive their inheritances without dealing with inconveniences, such as major tax implications. They will help you divide your cash, real estate, digital assets, investment accounts and so on in the most reliable way.

A financial advisor can also help you determine the value of your assets or connect you with a dependable appraiser.

Tax professional 

Although a financial advisor can help you reduce tax liabilities, you need a tax professional/ a certified public accountant (CPA) on your team. They understand tax laws in-depth. Accordingly, they can help you know the regulations to observe. Further, they will work with your executor when your will goes to probate, helping with tax filings.

Insurance agent 

It’s crucial to purchase life, car, home and long-term care insurance, among others, during estate planning. Generally, policies that have death benefits or can protect you and your loved ones in the event of a tragedy. An insurance agent can help you assess different plans to choose one that meets your needs.

Note that you may need several agents experienced in different insurance plans. But if your financial advisor is knowledgeable about insurance, you can get away without an agent on your team.

Estate planning is a legal procedure. The decisions you make are binding. An attorney can help you gather the correct documents and follow all the required steps.

The above-discussed professionals play an integral role in estate planning. They can help you create a plan that protects your wishes and heirs significantly.    

