Purchasing a new home can be extremely rewarding. It is your own private space. When you buy a piece of real estate, you expect to be able to enjoy it without interference.
While this is what usually happens, it isn’t always the case. Disputes over real estate are something that the civil courts deal with every day. Here are two of the most common types of real estate disputes.
1. Disputes over boundaries
Many houses, particularly detached and semi-detached properties, have a garden and land. They may even have a driveway. The lines that represent where your property begins and ends are called boundary lines. Unfortunately, neighbors aren’t always in agreement about where boundaries begin and end. This is especially the case when gardens and driveways are conjoined.
You may come home one day to find your neighbor parked on your driveway. Or, they may have built a fence in your garden. Such actions can give rise to boundary disputes.
2. Landlord and tenant disputes
Not all properties are bought for the owner to live in. Real estate can be an investment and a career. If you are a landlord, you may purchase a property to rent it out to a tenant. The tenant pays rent and they get to live in a nice home in return. Arrangements like this often go smoothly, but that isn’t always the case.
Landlord and tenant disputes are quite common. They may consist of the tenant refusing to pay the agreed rent or damaging the property. They can also occur if the landlord has not maintained the property to a liveable standard.
Whatever type of real estate dispute you are facing, it can help to have legal guidance on your side.