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Consider adding Swedish death cleaning to your estate plan

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2024 | Estate Planning

Every adult 18 and older should have the most basic aspects of estate planning — a simple will, an advanced care directive and a power of attorney. More complex estates might include trusts as well.

But New Yorkers would do well to take a page from our European neighbors and add another element to their estate plans.

What is “Swedish death cleaning” and why should you do it?

Döstädning, or Swedish death cleaning, is a popular practice in Scandinavia. While the English translation sounds a bit morbid, taking this action both saves your surviving loved ones a lot of work once you have passed away and preserves your privacy after death.

Most people have photos, letters, mementos and items that they probably would prefer their spouses, children, grandchildren and others not to come across when settling their final affairs. By doing a deep purge now, you have the chance to dispose of these things discreetly.

Lessening the burden of grief is a final act of kindness

Another reason to engage in this practice is to make life a little easier for your bereaved loved ones as they work through the stages of grief following your death. Being confronted with a house or apartment packed with a lifetime’s accumulation of stuff is daunting, especially when those items can trigger a storm of emotions.

While you are still healthy, it’s a good idea to begin this process. You don’t have to tackle it all in one day — or even one month. Start small. Choose a drawer or closet and designate three bins. One is for donations or giveaways to friends and family members; the second is for trash and the third is for items you want to reorganize and keep.

Estate planning is an ongoing process

Don’t think of your estate plan as a “one-and-done.” Estate plans evolve with life changes and should be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect your current situation. Learning more about how you can begin your estate planning journey is empowering and can give you peace of mind.

